Wednesday, 21 February 2018


1a. List 4 different methods of accessing files.
1b. State criteria for classifying computer files.
1c. Describe file insecurity
1d. List four types of file organization.

2a. Outline the steps in data conversion.
2b. List 4 factors affecting the speed of data conversion.


  1. Angel Ejugh

    1a. Four methods of accessing files are;
    -Serial access
    -Random access
    -Sequential access
    -Index access
    1b. Criteria for classifying files are;
    -Nature of content in the file
    -Organization method
    -Storage medium
    1c. File insecurity is the concept that a file is always vulnerable and is prone to be lost or missing in the computer.
    1d. Four types of file organization are;
    -Sequential file organization
    -Serial file organization
    -Random file organization
    -Index Sequential file organization

    2a. An instruction cycle sometimes called fetch and execute cycle is the basic operation cycle of a computer. it is the processes by which a computer receives a program instruction from its memory, determines what action the instruction requires and carry out those actions. This cycle is repeated continuously by the CPU, from boot up to when the computer is shut down
    2b. Four factors affecting data conversion are;
    -Infrastructural parameters
    -Network latency
    -Network congestion
    -Bus speed

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  3. Abraham Divine
    Ss2 art.
    1. Serial access.
    -Random access.
    -Sequential access.
    b. Nature of content in the file.
    -Organization method.
    -Storage medium.
    d.Serial fire organisation.
    -Random file organisation.
    -Sequential file organisation .
    -Index Sequential file organisation.

    2.Fetch instruction.
    -Decode instruction.
    -Execute instruction.
    b. -Bus width.
    -Bus speed.
    -Bus length.
    -Bus size.

  4. 1a. Four methods of accessing files are;
    -Serial access
    -Random access
    -Sequential access
    -Index access
    1b. Criteria for classifying files are;
    -Nature of content in the file
    -Organization method
    -Storage medium
    1c. File insecurity is the concept that a file is always vulnerable and is prone to be lost or missing in the computer.
    1d. Four types of file organization are;
    -Sequential file organization
    -Serial file organization
    -Random file organization
    -Index Sequential file organization

    2a. An instruction cycle sometimes called fetch and execute cycle is the basic operation cycle of a computer. it is the processes by which a computer receives a program instruction from its memory, determines what action the instruction requires and carry out those actions. This cycle is repeated continuously by the CPU, from boot up to when the computer is shut down
    2b. Four factors affecting data conversion are;
    -Infrastructural parameters
    -Network latency
    -Network congestion
    -Bus speed


  5. Onwuma Favour

    1a. Four method of accessing file include the following,
    a. Serial access.
    b. Random access.
    c. Sequential access.
    d. Index access.

    1b. Criteria for accessing files include,
    a. Nature of content in the file.
    b. Organization method.
    c. Storage medium.

    1c. File insecurity can be defined as way by which a file could be vulnerable or is prone to be lost or missing in a computer.

    1d. Four types of file organisation are,
    a. Serial file organisation.
    b. Sequential file organisation.
    c. Index sequential file organisation.
    d. Random file organisation.

    2a. They steps involved in data conversion are ,
    a. Fetch instruction
    b. Decode instruction.
    c. Execute instruction.

    2b. Four factors affecting data conversion are,
    a. Bus speed.
    b. Bus width.
    c. Bus size.
    d. Bus length.



All Thursday continuous assessment test should be solved as assignment.